2024/07/11 筑波走行会




In case of OKda-san



Following the previous report for beginners by Ito-san, we would like to introduce the one for mid-career riders contributed by OKda-san

Self introduction


39 years old, company employee, living in Katsushika-ku, Tokyo (it takes less than one hour to Tsukuba Circuit by motorcycle).


At the age of 23 I obtained a driver’s license for big motorcycles and stared riding a 996 SPS. After a single car accident (Sorry, my beloved bike!), I switched to a 848EVO. The newest vehicle is probably the fastest, but I like the trussed steel pipe frame and the center-up muffler,


I had enjoyed only motorcycle touring for a long time, but in response to PHMC’s invitation I decided to make my circuit debut in July 2022. (I did a test run in a Gran Turismo beforehand (lol)). Currently, I has participated 7 times in a row, now driving in Class C.

To get a racing suit


The first step is to get a racing suit. If I had had the financial means, I could have a custom-made one, but I had to choose one from the mass-produced models hung up in the shop. I tried on every single one at RICOLAND in Shinonome, Tokyo, but the suits produced by the Japanese brand didn’t fit my body (because I was too fat). Only Dainese VR46 model was fitted. So, I unexpectedly became a student of Valentino Rossi. I also bought new gloves and protectors. I must use them for a long time…

Riding to the circuit by motorcycle


Since I don’t have a trasporter, I have to ride to the circuit by my own motorcycle, carrying the minimum amount of essentials in a backpack. I will borrow hand tools from PHMC, so I will bring with me a change of clothes, towel, sandals and a hanger to hang my racing suit to spend time outside of my running time. Surprisingly, you don’t need to bring much. Don’t forget something to pass the time. That’s novels in my case (lol).


And then at the circuit day, I am good at remembering directions, so I arrived without getting lost.

The giant “Umaibo” signboard


The meeting time was 7:00 a.m., so it was early in the morning, but it was nice and cool in case of summer. Arrived there, exchanged greetings with senior riders at the paddock, set up my space in the pit, changed my clothes, etc., and settled down for the day.

MY first briefing


I participated in my first briefing together with Ksaki-san, who was also participating for the first time, so I eased up my nervousness a little. The briefing was not in an atmosphere that would make us nervous, but rather, it was about having a fun and safe ride, and what we should pay attention to in order to do so.


The important things are to remember the meaning of the flags, Pit-in and pit-out procedures, and riding along the record line at full throttle (in your own way). The person who overtakes should change the line. Do not ride selfishly, paying attention to other motorcycles as you would be on a public road.

Things to do before your turn


空気圧を前後 1.8 atm くらいにしておいて、走行直後に測って 2.4 atm くらいになってれば丁度いいくらいだそうな。ベテランの先輩方はなんか他にも色々やってました。

Thing to do until it is your turn is only to adjust your tire pressure.

I heard that it is better to set the tire pressure at 1.8 atm front and rear, and measure the pressure right after riding and it should be 2.4 atm. The veteran riders were doing many other things.

First time on the track



Finally, my first run at the track. It was similar to the final race of a track meet in my school days.

At first, I was led by the instructor (who is well-known for his motoGP live broadcasting, wow!) ) led us through the record line. I thought it was easy to just trace the line, but later I learned how difficult it was.


After that, we moved on to the free practice session. My first priority was to learn the record line. I was able to do this to some extent while the pace was slow, but as the pace gradually increased, I realized how difficult it was. If the timing and strength of the braking, the speed of corner aproaching, or the place at which a motorcycle is brought down are off just a little bit, all the procedures to control a motorcycle will be out of alignment until the next corner. It’s difficult, but when I get it right once in a while, it’s a lot of fun!

My painful first falling


The struggle between fear and enjoyment, which is proportional to the speed, made my head become more and more chaotic, if not completely blank, and I lost my composure as I got tired.


Anyway, I had planned to do as many laps as possible in the four 30-minute runs and to memorize the course and the record line, but on the fourth and final run, I failed to slow down enough due to my gear shift mistake at the first corner and I crashed from overrunning my motorcycle. This was my first experience of crashing on a circuit. Fortunately, I was not injured and the motorcycle was not in bad condition to run. I apologize to everyone at that place for my inconvenience.



To my surprise, Ksaki-san also fell off, so we consoled each other, which made me feel better (lol). I came here on my own motorcycle, so if it were broken down, I would not be able to return home. That was my biggest worry. Next time, I will definitely remove the rear-view mirrors!

It was a sweet and bitter circuit debut, but the circuit rus offer a level of fun that is absolutely impossible on public roads. I will never learn and I am always ready to do it again!


As a side note, if you ride all the way to the 4th round in D class, it ends at 16:30, and you will be stuck in rush hour traffic on your way home. Please be careful.

My circuit riding from the 2nd to the 6th session


My practice themes and my goals (if you have any suggestions that I am wrong, please let me know)


(0) My eternal theme. To ride beautifully and neatly. Getting home safely.
(1) Braking procedure. At Tsukuba 2000, lean-with style is only on the back straight, so I always offset my position for the next corner and prepare for braking.
(2) On the back straight, put my chin on the fuel tank.
(3) Relax my shoulders and be aware of riding position both to load and unload.
(4) To do shifting up and down place and choose the gear position correctly, and to ride in the same rhythm.
(5) During acceleration area, open the throttle full.
(6) Using the front load while braking, I make my motorcycle lying down with carefully releasing the brake force. Make sure that the front fork strokes firmly (It’s quite difficult!).
(7) At the exit of the corner, wait until my motorcycle turns around and open the throttle carefully. As I open the throttle, the machine will try to get up, but I do not get up as it does, but keep the rear truction, leaving the load on the inside of my motorcycle.

This (my 7th) circuit run






The forecast called for rain.

At the first session, it rained the first half session, it stopped raining the second half. I was scared. Since it was not a race, I did take the pace of others around me as a reference and did not ride recklessly. I tried to run carefully and did not try to run away from the rain.

For the second and third session, the forecast was off for the better and it did not rain, so we were able to run under the dry condition. From the above themes, we concentrated on (6). As the tires warmed up and I started to get a feel of braking and rolling, I gradually increased my pace.

Once I got used to riding, I started trying (5) at the same time. I felt great when I could smoothly connect the deceleration, rolling, passing the clipping point, and acceleration toward the exit of the corner. Even though I was running at a certain fast pace, if I was in control, I hardly felt fear.

However, in the latter half of the session, I made a subtle mistake and went off the course twice. I regretted it, thinking that perhaps my control was a bit too choppy, perhaps due to fatigue.



I remembered that my senior veteran rider, Snami-san, had taught me that it is a good idea to pit through once to calm down when you get tired, and I actually did it and it was quite refreshing. I think this is a recommended self-control method for the free practice session.

At the fourth session, I didn’t ride because I didn’t want to be stuck in traffic on the way home (lol).

Additional themes for the next event


(8) 最終コーナーの入り口、出口をなるべくストレートの一部として走る(怖い!)
(9) 1分12秒台で走りたい。

After this event, additional themes for the next and subsequent event are as follows

(8) Run the entrance and exit of the last corner as a part of the straight as much as possible (scary!).
(9) I want to run in the 1:12 range.



I calculated my lap times on my own from GoPro footage when I got home. I think my best time would be under 1 min 15 sec (I want a lap timer).

I had already had similar times before, but they were times that I had forced myself to achieve while suppressing my fear. This time, I was able to achieve a similar time with less fear and less overdoing than before, perhaps because I was conscious of starting up the corners carefully. I guess I’ve improved a little (I hope!).

Improvement of my motorcycle

タイヤ BSならS23から、RS11に変えた方が良いような気もするけれど、S23で上手くなりたい。

Tires I think it would be better to change from BS S23 to RS11, but I want to get better riding skill on S23.

リアサスペンション タンデム走行も視野に入れたドノーマルを、いいやつに変えたい。

Rear suspension I want to change the stock one for a view to tandem riding to a excellent one.





I think it’s great to have the chance to experience the circuit-run, Ducati opened the door at this age to the true fun of trying and improving like in my youth.

I was able to participate in a community where I don’t usually meet many people, and the time I spent with friends and seniors gave me a different kind of stimulation from touring, far removed from my daily work-all-the-time life.

The “Motsu-ni (Boiled guts)” set-menu is delicious.







道の駅 常総








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